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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Chromium Browser

Chromium is the open source web browser project from which Google Chrome draws its source code. The project's hourly Chromium snapshots appear essentially similar to the latest builds of Google Chrome aside from the omission of certain Google additions, most noticeable among them: Google's brand, auto-update mechanism, click-through licensing terms, usage-tracking, and bundling of Adobe Flash Player.
The Chromium Project takes its name from the element chromium (Cr), the metal from which chrome is made. Google's intention, as expressed in the developer documentation, was that Chromium would be the name of open source project and that the final product name would be Chrome. However other developers have taken the Chromium code and released versions under the Chromium name.

Differences between Chromium and Google Chrome
Chromium is the name given to the open source project and the browser source code released and maintained by the Chromium Project. It is possible to install the latest precompiled snapshots for Windows, Linux and Mac, or by downloading the source code and building it manually on those platforms. Google takes this source code and adds an integrated Flash Player, the Google name and logo, an auto-updater system called GoogleUpdate, an opt-in option for users to send Google their usage statistics and crash reports as well as, in some instances, RLZ tracking which transmits information in encoded form to Google, for example, when and where Chrome has been downloaded. By default, Chromium only supports Vorbis, Theora and WebM codecs for the HTML5 audio and video tags, while Google Chrome supports these in addition to H.264, AAC, and MP3. Certain Linux distributions may add support for other codecs to their customized versions of Chromium.

  • Tabs
  • Tab Movement
  • Design
  • Throbber
  • Window Frame
  • Omnibox
  • Input Types
  • Tab to Search
  • Result Types
  • Incognito
  • New Tab Page
  • Most Visited
  • Frequent Searches
  • Recent Bookmarks
  • Recently Closed Tabs
  • Downloads
  • Shelf
  • Browse
  • Bookmarks
  • Adding
  • Editing
  • Bookmarks Bar
  • History
  • Browse
  • Search Results
  • Toolbar
  • UI elements
  • Visual design
  • Status Bubble
  • Find in Page
  • Options
  • Hung Renderer Dialog (someone needs to write this)
  • Visual Design

Privacy Eraser Free Edition

Privacy Eraser is an all-in-one privacy suite that protects your privacy by cleaning up all your Internet history tracks and past computer activities. It supports popular web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera.
With simply one click, Privacy Eraser can quickly erase the Internet cache, cookies, browsing history, address bar history, typed urls, autocomplete form history, saved password and index.dat files of your browser, and Windows' run history, search history, open/save history, recent documents, temporary files, recycle bin, clipboard, taskbar jump lists, dns cache, log files, memory dumps, error reporting and much more.
Furthermore, Privacy Eraser supports plug-ins to extend cleaning features, you can easily delete the tracks left by any applications by making your own plug-ins. Privacy Eraser embedded more than 200 FREE plug-ins which supports the most popular programs such as ACDSee, Adobe Reader, Microsoft Office, WinZip, WinRAR, Windows Media Player, VLC Player, eMule, BitTorrent, Google Toolbar and many others. With the flexible, highly customizable and open plug-in architecture, you can even customize your own exclusive Privacy Eraser!
Privacy Eraser works on Microsoft Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2012/2008 (32/64-bit) and supports Microsoft Windows FAT16/FAT32/exFAT/NTFS file systems, completely implements and exceeds the US Department of Defense and NSA clearing and sanitizing standard, to gives you confidence that once erased, your file data is gone forever and can not be recovered.

               Download Privacy Eraser Now            

App Builder Latest

App Builder is a complete visual development environment for Microsoft Windows that allow us to create, with or without programming skills, HTML5 apps, WebApps, Progressive WebApps, WebExtensions and Hybrid apps for both mobile and desktop. If you want to create modern desktop and mobile applications then you're in the right place! Download App Builder for Windows Now!

One of amazing feature of DecSoft's App Builder apps is that can run, with one code base, in almost all the platforms. DecSoft's App Builder creates HTML5 apps, Progressive Web Apps and WebExtensions, ready to be deployed, without any other dependency, in all the modern mobile and desktop browsers. Additionally, thanks to the App Builder integration with Apache Cordova, our apps can be also deployed in platforms like Android, iOS, Windows 10 and others. All with one code base!

App Builder Features:

Visual actions
You don't need to know Javascript to create applications with App Builder. The App Builder's script language are based in hundreds of visual actions that you can simply put in the place that you need to be executed.

Visual designer
App Builder provide us dozens of visual and non visual controls ready to be placed in the application's designer. Simply drag and drop the control that you need into the designer and then place it where you wanted.

Contextual help
App Builder is intented to be easy to use, however, they include a complete help file that describes all the availables control and actions, as well some specific tutorials.

More than apps
App Builder prepares for you the required stuff to deploy your applications as WebApps and Progressive WebApps. App Builder also allows you to develop WebExtensions for the modern browsers.

Many themes
App Builder include by default 22 different themes that we can use from our apps. We can choose one or more of the themes to be included, and, change it in designtime and also in runtime just using one action.

Many samples
App Builder include 165+ apps samples that touch almost all the visual actions and lot of other fields. Play with the samples, learn how to use the visual actions and many other things like controls, plugins and more.

The App Builder's applications can be extended using Javascript in addition to the visual actions provided by the program. Also it's possible to use App Builder's Javascript plugins and Apache Cordova plugins.

Apache Cordova
App Builder is integrated with Apache Cordova and their plugins and prepare for you the appropiate icons and splash screens, configuration files, signing files and batch and shell scripts in order to run, debug and release our apps quickly.

CLI support
App Builder include a command line compiler in addition with the visual environment. In this way we can compile our applications from the command line, simply and fast.

The App Builder IDE is fully customizable. You can set every toolbar and every dock panel in every place in the IDE, prepare different layouts to be reused when you wanted, change the IDE theme and many more.

The App Builder IDE is currently available in english, french and spanish, and, is ready to be translated to any other (LTR) language, in fact, App Builder include a complete program that allows to translate the IDE into other languages.

Without limits
Forget "warez" and pirate releases. App Builder do not have any limitation in time nor characteristics in their demo version. You can always try the very latest release of App Builder, and, if they are useful for you, then purchase it.

Download App Builder Latest

Sunday, October 16, 2016

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Saturday, July 16, 2016

DFX Audio Enhancer Full

"DFX makes your MP3s sound much, much better."

DFX Audio Enhancer brings High Definition sound quality to your computer by enhancing it with 3D surround sound, higher fidelity, and booming bass. Simply install DFX and be amazed at the added sound clarity and punch that your PC provides. DFX will enhance the sound of websites, music, videos, Internet radio, games, video chats, and other programs. The Explore feature of DFX also lets you easily discover new music, access music videos, view song lyrics and more, directly from the DFX user interface. 

DFX Audio Enhancement Features
  • Advanced DSP Sound Enhancement Effects
  • Speakers and Headphones Optimization
  • Finely-tuned, Customizable Music Presets
  • Dynamic Sound Spectrum Analyzer
  • Powerful Audio Processing Modes
  • Stylish, Shapely Skins
  • Space Saving Mini-mode Interface
  • Presets Backup and Restore
  • Preset Song Associations
  • 5.1/7.1 Surround Sound Support
  • 64-Bit Windows Support
DFX dramatically improves your digital Audio experience with
  • 3D Surround Sound – Immerse yourself inside the music
  • Stereo Ambience – renew lost stereo depth High Fidelity Restoration
  • Dynamic Gain Boosting – pump up the volume
  • Headphones Optimization – Hear more pleasant, natural sounds with headphones
  • Customizable Music Presets – Select finely-tuned settings for many styles of music
  • Booming HyperBass – produce deep, rich bass sounds
  • High Fidelity Restoration – eliminate that “muffled” sound
  • Spectrum Analyzer – “See” DFX enhance your sound
  • Music and Speech Modes – Get optimized sound for any type of audio
  • Customizable Skins – Choose from hundreds of skins
New and improved features in DFX
  • Automatic preset selection with associated songs
  • Backup and restore personal presets
  • 10 band Audio spectrum analyzer
  • Improved responsiveness and user control
  • Gadget style user interface option
  • 64-bit Windows support
   Download Link Updated (5MB) :

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016

Zootopia 2016 720p Bluray


From the largest elephant to the smallest shrew, the city of Zootopia is a mammal metropolis where various animals live and thrive. When Judy Hopps becomes the first rabbit to join the police force, she quickly learns how tough it is to enforce the law. Determined to prove herself, Judy jumps at the opportunity to solve a mysterious case. Unfortunately, that means working with Nick Wilde, a wily fox who makes her job even harder.

Size : 775mb
Link :