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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Ebates : Earn while Shopping Updated

Get Upto 50% Cash Back At Select Online Retailers; Sign up for Ebates NOW! 

Eligible for $10 Now!

Brief : Ebates was founded in 1998
Ebates is a cashback website headquartered in San Francisco, CA. The site acts as a shopping portal offering coupons and cash back from over 2,000 online retailers.
Ebates earns a commission when a shopping session is initiated through affiliate network links. Ebates shares a percentage of the commission with its members in the form of cash back. Members are paid quarterly via check or through PayPal

So if you are a big online shopper, Ebates is going to save you a ton of money in the process.  Ebates is a website where you go to save money while shopping online.  Click on the retailer you would like to shop at and it will automatically save you money.  I have been using Ebates for the past couple years and have never looked back.  I always heard about it and never signed up until I finally looked into it and saw that what everyone was saying about Ebates was true.

Ebates will pay you for every new member you refer to there site.
(Sign Up Refer 3 friends and get $75! )

Earn Cash Back Anytime , Anywhere

Download Ebates App from Google Play or Apple App Store

Below are some Payment Proofs

Saturday, July 16, 2016

DFX Audio Enhancer Full

"DFX makes your MP3s sound much, much better."

DFX Audio Enhancer brings High Definition sound quality to your computer by enhancing it with 3D surround sound, higher fidelity, and booming bass. Simply install DFX and be amazed at the added sound clarity and punch that your PC provides. DFX will enhance the sound of websites, music, videos, Internet radio, games, video chats, and other programs. The Explore feature of DFX also lets you easily discover new music, access music videos, view song lyrics and more, directly from the DFX user interface. 

DFX Audio Enhancement Features
  • Advanced DSP Sound Enhancement Effects
  • Speakers and Headphones Optimization
  • Finely-tuned, Customizable Music Presets
  • Dynamic Sound Spectrum Analyzer
  • Powerful Audio Processing Modes
  • Stylish, Shapely Skins
  • Space Saving Mini-mode Interface
  • Presets Backup and Restore
  • Preset Song Associations
  • 5.1/7.1 Surround Sound Support
  • 64-Bit Windows Support
DFX dramatically improves your digital Audio experience with
  • 3D Surround Sound – Immerse yourself inside the music
  • Stereo Ambience – renew lost stereo depth High Fidelity Restoration
  • Dynamic Gain Boosting – pump up the volume
  • Headphones Optimization – Hear more pleasant, natural sounds with headphones
  • Customizable Music Presets – Select finely-tuned settings for many styles of music
  • Booming HyperBass – produce deep, rich bass sounds
  • High Fidelity Restoration – eliminate that “muffled” sound
  • Spectrum Analyzer – “See” DFX enhance your sound
  • Music and Speech Modes – Get optimized sound for any type of audio
  • Customizable Skins – Choose from hundreds of skins
New and improved features in DFX
  • Automatic preset selection with associated songs
  • Backup and restore personal presets
  • 10 band Audio spectrum analyzer
  • Improved responsiveness and user control
  • Gadget style user interface option
  • 64-bit Windows support
   Download Link Updated (5MB) :

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016

Zootopia 2016 720p Bluray


From the largest elephant to the smallest shrew, the city of Zootopia is a mammal metropolis where various animals live and thrive. When Judy Hopps becomes the first rabbit to join the police force, she quickly learns how tough it is to enforce the law. Determined to prove herself, Judy jumps at the opportunity to solve a mysterious case. Unfortunately, that means working with Nick Wilde, a wily fox who makes her job even harder.

Size : 775mb
Link :

Arrow Season 4 Episode 22 (Lost in the Flood)

Following the shocking events in the previous episode, Oliver and Diggle race to rescue Thea, while Felicity, Curtis and Noah join together to stop Darhk. 

Size :230mb
Link :

The Flash Season 2 Episode 22 (Invincible)

Zoom unleashes an army of Earth-2 meta-humans, the leader of which is Black Canary's doppelganger, Black Siren; Joe worries when Wally goes out to help The Flash. 

Size : 160mb
Link :

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 21 (Monument Point)

When Team Arrow learns what Damien Darhk's next move is Felicity realizes she needs to ask her father, Noah Kuttler, for help. Noah and Oliver have a heart to heart talk that leaves Oliver rattled.

Size : 150mb

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 21 (The Runaway Dinosaur)

After trying to get Barry's speed back, Team-Flash has been attacked by an old enemy who goes after name Grider. Flash is not there to help, so Iris comes with a plan to bait Grider into S.T.A.R Labs. Joe thinks that it is too dangerous so he tries to stop her from doing that. Henry is shaken after the fact that his son is gone.

Size- 140MB
Direct Link - 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Deadpool 720p Bluray x265


Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) is a former Special Forces operative who now works as a mercenary. His world comes crashing down when evil scientist Ajax (Ed Skrein) tortures, disfigures and transforms him into Deadpool. The rogue experiment leaves Deadpool with accelerated healing powers and a twisted sense of humor. With help from mutant allies Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand), Deadpool uses his new skills to hunt down the man who nearly destroyed his life.

Release Date : February 12, 2016

Size : 670MB

Arrow Season 4 Episode 20 (Genesis)

Oliver and Felicity seek a magical solution to defeat Darhk; Diggle seeks revenge and heads out to confront Andy; Alex takes Thea on a vacation, which turns into a nightmare.

Size : 165MB (x265 720p)

The Flash Season 2 Episode 20 (Rupture)

Back on Earth-1, Zoom is intent on taking over Central City; Barry and Wells devise a dangerous plan to stop Zoom for good; Barry reaches out to both fathers for advice.

Size - 230MB

Sunday, April 24, 2016

This will Save some Data

Due to Running of Background apps ,Your Data bundle / package will end up sooner . And also notifications or popups from Facebook, Whatsapp, Viber, Imo etc.. will allocate data.  
Most people may matter on Auto Update with most apps because they will update without asking , so here is a small solution for that.

*This will help to use data which only needed to that particular App

*Make you Settings as given below

#Next Settings > Data Usage

#Next Playstore > Settings

Now switch on you Data or Wifi and see :)

Good Luck..

Friday, April 22, 2016

xMarshmallow Concept Launcher

Xperia xMarshmallow Concept Launcher was ported by XDA User Kruns and Me. For which we thank you very much. The application does not require ROOTED and running simultaneously with the standard XPERIA Launcher. Launcher support Icon Packs available in PlayStore

-Applications install on your phone
-Set New Launcher as the main (Settings / Home)
How to set icons pack:
-Press and hold on the main screen
-Select Settings / Icons Look / We choose our icon pack
-Press Applay and ready

Issues :
-No badge notification

ONLY Android version: 5.1.1 Lollipop and 6.0 Marshmallow
We tested it on Xperia  Z1 Z2 Z3

Link -

Xperia Clocks

Discover XPERIA Clocks. Applications specially designed it for XPERIA devices. We hope You enjoy. Have fun.

More About Application:
– Simple and Elegant
– Designed Special For XPERIA Phones
– No ROOT needed
– All Android Devices ( 4.4 Kit Kat and up )
– 20 elegant widgets
– The possibility of centering the clock ( New )
– Version 1.0.1

Android version: 4.4 Kit Kat and up
Install and Setup:

-Unzip file and install

Link -

Xperia Themes by Arjun


New way to make your Sony Xperia™ device truly personal . Download gorgeous and high quality themes developed uniquely for your Xperia smartphone.

#Include more than 10 themes
#All themes will work with Xperia devices running Android 5.0+

Link -

Xperia Alien Theme Pack

New way to make your Sony Xperia™ device truly personal . Download gorgeous and high quality themes developed uniquely for your Xperia smartphone.

# Include 10 Alien themes
#All themes will work with Xperia devices running Android 5.0 + 

Link -

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ebates : Earn While Shopping

Get Upto 50% Cash Back At Select Online Retailers; Sign up for Ebates NOW! 

Eligible for $10 Now!

Brief : Ebates was founded in 1998
Ebates is a cashback website headquartered in San Francisco, CA. The site acts as a shopping portal offering coupons and cash back from over 2,000 online retailers.
Ebates earns a commission when a shopping session is initiated through affiliate network links. Ebates shares a percentage of the commission with its members in the form of cash back. Members are paid quarterly via check or through PayPal

So if you are a big online shopper, Ebates is going to save you a ton of money in the process.  Ebates is a website where you go to save money while shopping online.  Click on the retailer you would like to shop at and it will automatically save you money.  I have been using Ebates for the past couple years and have never looked back.  I always heard about it and never signed up until I finally looked into it and saw that what everyone was saying about Ebates was true.

Ebates will pay you for every new member you refer to there site.

Earn Cash Back Anytime , Anywhere

Download Ebates App from Google Play or Apple App Store

Below are some Payment Proofs